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Qadr Nights   ،   Recommended supplications and practices for Qadr Nights
The Qadr night is the one that no other nights are in the same level of goodness and merit and the activities and supplication in Qadr night are better than thousand months.
In the name of Allah the most Beneficent the most Merciful

19th Night – First night of Qadr Nights
The Qadr night is the one that no other nights are in the same level of goodness and merit and the activities and supplication in Qadr night are better than thousand months. The planning for the next year will be decided in destiny night (Qadr night). The angels and the great one which is soul (Rooh) will descending to the earth by the order of the Lord and will propose whatever is every one’s fate to Imam Mahdi (aj.).
The suggested things to do are grouped in two, first the common activities for all the Qadr Nights and the second specific suggestions for each specific night.
The common things are:
1-Ghusl (A ritual washing of the body). By the sunset and suggested to pray the Isha prayer while ghusl already performed.
2-Two rak’at of prayer and in each rak’at after reciting Hamd chapter, reciting the Towhid chapter seven times. After the prayer seventy times “Astaghfirollah va atoobo elaih” (اَستَغفُرِاللهَ وَ اَتوبُ اِلَیهِ)Narrated that will not stand up unless Allah forgives him and his parents.
3-To open the Holy Qur’an in front of his face and say “ Allahoma Enni Asaloka Be ketabekal monzal va ma fihesmokal akbar va asmaokal hosna va yokhafo va yorja an taj’alani men otaghaeka men an’nar. (اَللّهُمَّ اِنّی اَسئَلِکَ بِکِتابِکَ المُنزَلِ وَ ما فیهِا سمُکَ الاَکبَرُ و اَسماؤُکَ الحُسنی وَ یُخافُ وَ یُرجی اَن تَجعَلَنی مِن عُتَقائِکَ مِنَ النّار) Then inquire his requests.
4-Close the Holy Qur’an and put it over his head and say: “ Allahomma behaghe hazahl Quran va be haghe man arsaltaho beh va behaghe kolle mo’menen madah’taho fihe va be hagheka alayhem fala ahada a’arafo be hagheka menk, (اَللّهمَّ بِحَقِّ هذاالقُرآنِ وَ بِحَقِّ مَن اَرسَلتَه بِه وَ بِحَقِ کُلِّ مومنٍ مَدَحتَه فیهِ وَ بِحَقِّکَ عَلَیهِم فلا اَحَدَ اَعرَفُبِ بِحَقِّکَ مِنکَ)
10 times Beka ya allah (بِکَ یا الله )
10 times Bemohammaden (بِمُحَمَّدٍ )
10 times Be-ali’en (بِعلیٍّ )
10 times Be-fatematan (بِفاطِمَةَ)
10 times Belhassane (بِالحَسَنِ)
10 times Belhussaine (بِالحُسَین)
10 times Be-Ali-ibnbel-Hussain (بِعلیّ بنِ الحُسین)
10 times Be-Mohammad-ibne-Alien (بِمُحَمَّدِ بنِ عَلِیٍّ)
10 times Be-Jafar-ibne-Mohammad (بِجَعفَر بنِ مُحَمَّدٍ)
10 times Be-Mosa-ibne-Jafar (بِموُسی بنِ جَعفَر)
10 times Be-Ali-ibne-Musa (بِعلیِّ بنِ مُوسی)
10 times Be-Mohammad-ibne-Alien (بِمُحَمَّدِ بنِ عَلِیٍّ)
10 times Be-Ali-ibne-Muhammad (بِعَلِیِّ بنِ مُحَمَّدٍ)
10 times BelHassan-ibne-Ali (بِالحَسَنِ بنِ عَلِیٍّ)
10 times Belhoj’jat (بِالحُجَّةِ)
Then request your needs.
5-Recite Ziarat-Imam-Hussain (a.s), it has narrated that when the Qadr night comes, there will be a harbinger from the seventh sky that calls that Allah has forgiven  whom visiting the Imam Hissein (a.s)’s tomb.
6-Holding Vigil until dawn, it has narrated that if somebody holds the Qadr night vigil till dawn, Allah will forgive his sins even those are more than the stars of the sky or heavier than the mountains.
7-Praying the 100 rak’at which is recommended to pray and suggested to recite the Towhid chapter 10 times after Hamd Chapter in each rak’at.
8-Reciting this supplication: “Allahom’ma en’ni amsaito laka abdan dakheran la amleko lenafsi va a’ataref …. (اَللّهُمَّ اِنّی اَمسَیتُ لَکَ عَبدًا داخِرًا لا اَملِکُ لِنَفسی وَ اَعتَرِفُ..)

Special recommended supplications for each Qadr Night:
1-100 times “Astaghferollah rab’bi va atoobo elaih” (اَستَغفُرِاللهَ رَبی وَ اَتوبُ اِلَیه)
2-100 times “Allahomal’an Ghatalata Amir-al-mo’menin” (اَللّهُمَّ العَن قَتَلَةَ اَمیرَالمومنینَ)
3-Reciting the supplication “Ya zal’lazi kana….” (یا ذَالَّذی کانَ...)
4-Reciting the supplication “Allahomajal fima taghdhi va toghad’der . . . .” (اَللّهَمَّ اجعَل فیما تَقضی وَ...)

 21st Ramadhan Night – second Qadr night:
It has narrated that the preferences of the 21st night of Ramadhan are more than the 19th night. The practices are Ghusl, hold vigils until dawn, reciting Ziarat, prayer with 7 times Towhid Chapter (Gholhovallah..), put the Qura’n over the head, praying the 100 Rak’at and reciting Joshan kabeer supplications etc. It has narrated to endeavor for the practices and supplications in this night.
About the supplications and prayers in 21st and 23rd night of Ramadhan:
It has narrated by Annas-ibn-Malik that prophete Muhammad (s.w) told: The holy month has come to you and there is a night in this month which is greater than thousand months and whomever deprived of the graces of Qadr night, has lost all the graces, and one will not lose the graces but he make himself deprived.
All the narrations states that some of the destinies and graces like being away of the hell’s fire are the results of the servant acts and everyone makes his destiny in Qadr night by his hand.
It has recommended to recite the supplications like “Joshan Kabeer”,”Iftitah” and “Abu Hamza Al Thomali” because by remembering the kindness, forgiveness, graces and limitless mercy of Allah, we fill the Lord is beside us and supporting us and this will glow the light of hope in our heart.
About the designation of the Qadr night, the prophet (s.a.w) said: search for that in last decade of Ramadhan.


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