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Ramadan and Fasting Q&As »
First Qadr Night   ،   19th night of Ramadhan 1433
The eve of the 19th night of Ramadhan 1433 (Hijri) in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque was performed in a specific spirituality and greatness

In the Name of Allah the most Beneficent the most Merciful

The performing of the 19th night of Ramadhan 1433 (Hijri) in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque

I swear by the Allah of Kaaba that I prospered” Ali (a.s)

The eve of the 19th night of Ramadhan 1433 (Hijri) in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque was performed in a specific spirituality and greatness. The fasting Muslims were guest of dignity table of Imam Hussein (a.s) for Iftar and dinner and started their Qadr night by congressional prayer and listening to speech of Sheikh Rashed Yazdi and praying missed prayers.
After that the Joshan Kabeer supplication recited and they get ready to perform the Quran-on head part of the night.
At last part of the night the speech and keeping Qur’an over the head was done by Sheikh Madani and he explained some parts of the Imam Ali (a.s)’s wills to Imam Hassan (a.s) and about his noble word of “احی قلبک بالموعظة و امته بالزهادة”, assumed the Qadr night as best opportunity to avail the words of Imam Ali (a.s).
In this spiritual ceremony mourning of Imam Ali (a.s) compounded by penitence of the attendants and sent toward the Allah.
The panegyrist of Ahulbait (a.s) Mr. Behtooie expressed the virtues of Imam Ali (a.s) performed the mourning for him and the mournful attendants were crying “قدقتل المرتضی” (The Ali Murtadha had killed) and were accompanying the Angels.
The mournful people at the end of the ceremonies were guest of Ahlulbait table in Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque and spend last minutes of the Qadr night by supplications and prayers.
Imam Hussein (a.s) Mosque – Dubai

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